- I used Illustrator to create the wireframe as it was easiest to manipulate simple shapes needed to create the wireframes.
- I used Paint.NET for the mock-up as it was a program that I was more familiar with and thus I could work faster.
- Rectangle select - selected images on the screen.
- Move selected pixels - Moving selected parts around and alligning them.
- Magic wand - To select areas that have a similar color.
- Shapes (Square, Curved edge square and Circle) - Was used to draw shapes on the screen.
- Line / Curve - For drawing lines.
- Text - For writing text.
- Color picker - Choosing colors to use on the design.
My use of tools allowed me to create a wireframe & a mockup design rather easily.
I chose Paint.NET because I was more familiar with it than Photoshop or other programs.
Easier to navigate and find tools quicikly.
- I saved my work as a png format because it saves the image in a higher resolution than jpg and can be accessed easier on the web application.
How you managed assets during project work
- I created folders with names that I could easily identify and navigate through.
- I named files with obvious names so they could be organised neatly
- An example of this would be
Multimedia / Project 1 / Pictures / reference
Multimedia / Webpage html files / Pictures used in the application / reference images
I used elements that I found were used on other book applications.
I did some research by looking at existing applications and getting ideas from there.
I took a lot of inspiration from the Jump + application and made my design slightly resemble it.
I desigined this application in a way that would be intended for peole who read and browse books online or on a mobile device
Closed Book - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Book.svg
Open Book - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Empty_book.jpg
Banana - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Banana-Single.jpg